Message from the CEO – Stuart Norman
It’s with great excitement that I write this, my first CEO piece for the Parking Insider. While I have spent a significant period of my professional life representing various industries, I’ll be the first to admit that I’m new to the parking industry. As such I’ll be engaging with members to assist me to understand the issues affecting you, the member.
Having worked for some very successful associations, I am keenly aware that successful associations are member focused, whether they be in the provision of educational events, industry representation or member services. My aim is that we at Parking Australia will enhance your role in the parking industry.
Having only recently announced to my professional network, family and friends that I will be working in the parking industry, it’s been interesting to receive their feedback. Many have said in jest that I will now be able to get them off any parking infringements that they have received. Safe to say that I won’t be doing this, but it has reinforced to me that parking is a service and like many service industries, there are things that are done well and things that need improving.
The recent Royal Commission into the Banking and Financial services industry has highlighted that the community’s perception of an industry is often a good guide as to how the industry is performing. Services such as banking, telecommunications, public transport and parking consistently receive negative press. Much of the criticism is justified as we have seen with the example of banking, but I will say that services such as parking are also an easy target for those with an agenda against car usage and parking.
During the interview process I undertook a significant amount of research and I found that there are a good number of people and organisations who like to paint a negative picture of the parking industry. It is my view that many of the positions put forward by these people and organisations can be dispelled by data, which would highlight the importance of parking to the broader community and the great work that is currently be done by parking providers in the public and private sectors.
I look forward to meeting and speaking with you in the coming months, whether it be by phone, or at our first event of the year in Sydney on Tuesday 12 February. Lastly, I’d like to wish you all a happy and safe Christmas.
Stuart Norman
CEO – Parking Australia