Electronic Permits now Legal in Victoria
For some time, Parking Australia has lobbied the Victorian Government to amend clause 185 of the Road Safety Rules to allow Councils to issue electronic parking permits as is the case in NSW and QLD. Parking Australia is please to inform members that these changes have now been implemented.
The benefits of electronic parking permits are two-fold. Firstly, the administration of the permits becomes more efficient and secondly the sustainability benefits are enormous in that thousands of stickers don’t need to be printed every year.
While accessibility parking permits are administered differently in each state and subject to each states’ own regulations, Councils are responsible for the management of their own parking permit schemes. In addition to the efficiency and sustainability benefits, Councils can make further efficiencies in terms of how they enforce permits especially in an on-street setting.
Parking Australia encourages all local government members to look at how electronic parking permits can play a part of their Council’s sustainability plans.