Burwood Council seeks digital parking permit system
Burwood Council in NSW will soon be sending out a request for quotation for the supply, integration, implementation and ongoing management of a Digital Parking Permit System.
Permits currently available within Burwood include residential, visitor, business and commuter. All permits are presently physical and required to be displayed on a vehicle’s windshield or dashboard for inspection by Council’s Community Safety team.
Council issues between 2,500 – 4,000 permits annually to approximately 4,200 properties across 19 Permit Parking Scheme Areas. In addition to this, the council also makes a set number of commuter parking permits available to all residential properties south of Liverpool Road.
Additionally, as part of the council’s ongoing operations, other types of permits are required to be issued directly by Burwood Council to authorised vehicles. These include council fleet, car share, temporary visitors etc. and totals approximately 250 permits per annum.
Council is looking to move towards a digital solution which will provide greater access and flexibility to users whilst allowing them to better manage this important community facility.
Quotations will be sought via a request for quotation process sent to a selected group, including any Parking Australia members who are interested in providing a response.
Any interested organisations are requested to contact Burwood Council’s Manager Traffic & Transport ASAP with their contact details.
Roberto Di Federico
Manager Traffic & Transport
T: 02 9911 9884
E: Roberto.DiFederico@burwood.nsw.gov.au