August 2024 Message from the CEO – Jeremy Irvine

Five reasons to join us in Melbourne at the Parking Industry Awards and National Roads & Traffic Expo

Last week I visited the EduTECH conference in Melbourne to meet the new Australian CEO of Terrapinn, the firm which runs the National Roads & Traffic Expo (thanks Matt for your time!).

EduTech, as the National Roads & Traffic Expo did last year, had a great vibe – lots of people, lots of learning, and lots of time to meet people; it was packed.

There are many reasons to join us for the series of events in late October:

  1. Parking Australia’s Parking Industry Awards will be held on 30 October in Melbourne, where we come together as industry to highlight leadership and excellence.
  2. The National Roads & Traffic Expo (30-31 October, Melbourne) includes free entry (including to the Parking Australia stream) and exhibition – register via the Expo website here.
  3. The National Roads & Traffic Expo is the major annual event for the parking industry (in place of PACE or OUTLOOK) – Parking Australia is partnering with the National Roads & Traffic Expo team; there is no standalone Parking Australia annual conference or exhibition this year.
  4. The National Roads & Traffic Expo is Australia’s largest roads and traffic trade show.
  5. The Parking Industry Awards Dinner and the National Roads & Traffic Expo offer invaluable networking and thought leadership discussions.

If you’re going to the National Roads & Traffic Expo, please join us for the Parking Industry Awards, too – you can book your tickets via Parking Australia’s website here.

Space within the Parking Zone is limited, with speaking slots in the parking stream are in high demand. If you are interested in booking a spot for yourself or your colleagues, please contact Hoss Esmaeilzadeh (02 8908 8512/ at your earliest convenience to secure your place. This is a great opportunity to be seen, get in front of customers and stakeholders, and enhance your brand and profile. Parking Australia members receive a special 10% discount on exhibition and sponsorship prices.

Parking Industry Awards – nominations close 3 September

The Parking Industry Awards  nominations, and, new this year – recognition of long-standing service – both close 3 September.

A new video on how to go through the nomination process and some tips is now on our website.

Parking Industry Awards – sponsorships available

We welcome interest from organisations in supporting the 2024 Parking Industry Awards by becoming a sponsor. Promote your organisation at the Parking Industry Awards gala dinner get noticed by placing your brand front and centre, to engage with Australia’s parking industry. The major dinner sponsorship is available which includes presentation to the winner of the Parking Organisation of the Year. Details on categories are here; with the event prospectus here.

Thank you to all our great sponsors including CAVU, Designa, First Parking and TNS for your important – and appreciated – support of the Parking Industry Awards.

Adelaide networking event, 28 August

We are excited to invite you to our upcoming networking event at the Atura Adelaide Airport on 28 August with a great panel including Adrian Dallenogare (Adelaide Airport) and Shaun Coulls (City of Adelaide). Our topic is “Driving excellence in customer service – lessons learned from paths well-travelled” – we look forward to seeing you there!

Upcoming events (sponsorship opportunities available)

Adelaide, 28 August. Topic: Driving excellence in customer service – lessons learned from paths well-travelled.

Sydney 27 November: Topic: The big picture – where does parking fit in the broader policy and planning landscape?

If you’re interested in being either a sponsor (Venue, Major Event, or Networking Session) at Parking Australia events, sponsorship packages are bespoke and developed in collaboration with the firms and are based on a range of factors including for example links to the topic, relevance to the audience/market, and ongoing engagement with members.  Sponsor interest is open and can be provided to CEO Jeremy Irvine at any time within the principle of first come, first served.

2024 AGM

As per the outline on the AGM page, the 2024 AGM will be held on 27 November in person in Sydney and online. Nominations open on 5 September, closing on 26 September. If elections are required, voting will open on 8 October, closing three weeks later on 29 October.

Members considering standing are invited (positively recommended….!) to contact me prior to nominations opening for an overview of eligibility (including two years as the owner or employee of a member/s), the nomination processes and commitment required.

Welcome and thanks

A welcome to our ever-growing list of members and thank you to those many renewing members – your support of the Association is appreciated, and we look forward to seeing you at one of our events soon! If you’re not a member, and would like to join us, please join online here.

A reminder too of all the great benefits to Parking Australia members including the unlimited number of staff we invite from each member firm to join us at our networking events, for example. You can also pop your news, events, and jobs across and we will add to the Parking Australia website.


Our member briefing this month includes an advocacy briefing, and more news.

Members can read more on these matters and other Parking Australia member news by logging into the member portal.

MORE FOR MEMBERS – Log on to view member content.

Parking Australia

  • PO Box 30
    Elsternwick VIC
    3185 AUSTRALIA
  • Ph: 1300 787 233

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